Thursday 8 December 2005

Down with Virus

Yep, i'm down with fever, flu and cough. I guess it's the season again coz been seeing ads on cough syrup on tv so often these few days. and no... it's not avian flu mind you. feeling lousy today. eyes are watery and with the cold air from the air condition during the seminar this morning had made it worse. been sneezing away while walking around the shopping mall after the seminar. fingers turned blue and got chilly! lucky it got a little warmer at the food court, where i had my lunch.

nose itching again... ahh.. ahh... chooo! bless me! excuse me... *sniffle*

walked around a little, but couldn't find any nice christmas presents. another 2 weeks to go. we're putting up the christmas tree over at gene's parents house this weekend. gene's niece, priya is looking forward to it and we're all gonna go and fuss around. actually i am a little excited too. decorating the tree is fun, especially when you have a kid with silly comments and quirky antics, it'll be entertaining.


i'm gonna have a really nice warm bath and turn in early today.


1 comment:

  1. Aww, you poor dear. Hope you get well soon.

    I was actually feeling rather warm last night and wanted to switch on the air-conditioner. But since you weren't feeling well, I decided to bear with the temperature. I slept soundly anyway, so no worries. :)



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