Monday 20 March 2006

simple joy

i find pleasure in simple things, i feel alive, whole and present to experience these little moments of joy, like watching the kittens play, kiki sleeping, pink flowers in the traffic jam, waking up in the morning to see my husband sleeping next to me, the white clouds, bird on the wire, it's thrilling and exciting. i don't think... i just enjoy the moment.

there are too many things to worry about, i know i most certainly do. my neck ache, so is my back, it's something i have to live with, then there're the bills and the finance which is a little scary right now to even to start thinking, and the list goes on and on.

what if i die a sudden death... hmm... i don't want my last thought to be in a gloomy state, i would rather have a happy last thought. so, i find joy in simple wonders of everyday living. it calms me down and let me go on in a more happy mood.

i read in a tiny book i bought years ago that said... "the truly rich person is one who finds satisfaction in life's ordinary day to day pleasures."

i agree.

"When we forget the little joys, we become less human."
~ Madeline L'Engle

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a very nice shot. I'm particularly fascinated by it's uncluttered appearance. Lovely!

    Designers like to say "less is more". And in many ways, that does hold a lot of meaning.


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