Tuesday 1 August 2006

my angel

my pet angel, kiki, keeping me company. pic by levin.

i am a believer of angels and devas. whenever i'm lost, i would call upon my angels, ask for guidance and help. i know they are there, sometimes i can sense their presence, and it calms me when i know i am protected and guided. i woke up this morning feeling down. not knowing how my day is going to be, i have no appointments and felt unmotivated. i kneeled in front of my Buddha statue, prayed and spoke to my angels, i asked for help. it turned out my day went great! i had 3 appoinments and have more business deals coming in. thank you dear angels!

i consider kiki, our beautiful white cat our angel too! she keeps us company and makes us laugh with her cuteness! she stays indoor most of the time, sleeping! she can send us laughing just by looking at her styles of sleeping! she knows very well too that we love her! :) i am thankful that kiki entered our lives.

here's a beautiful story of story of a feline angel.

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