Saturday 12 March 2011

have dreams, will travel (far, far & away) - guest blogger eva san

gene and i are on holiday to our dream country right now (woo to the hoo!) and i've arranged some pretty awesome people to play guest host on my blog. today's guest is artist eva san. an emerging creative soul. i've known eva quite recently and was at once smitten by her beautiful art work. not only does she paint, she is also currently studying english literature and the works of great writers. wow! paint + literature, can’t get any better than that. here’s eva:
one of eva's beautiful art

Ever since taking Kelly Rae’s e-course and taking flight fearlessly since, I am doing little by little to come out as an artist and doing a shout out that I can be happy and abundant being one! I am most grateful as layers of fear dissipate from my heart as I soar braver, and higher.

Even though I have heard so many people tell me that Malaysia as a developing country is not cultured enough to appreciate art. The idea that Malaysians care more about making money than making art is very ingrained. There are many reasons easy enough to stop me from pursuing this passion of mine-painting! But deep down I know if I don’t paint I’ll just exist as a person, and not live and thrive as a creative soul! I also know that reality can change as we change our beliefs, as we believe and want badly to create a better, richer reality.

It is not a bad thing to look up to the West for aspirations, for teachers, for knowledge, for inspiration! But I don’t want to JUST be looking up all the time! I want to be living a creative life! My colour therapy teacher Cornelius said “enough looking up to the West” and I know what he means. We, the Asians, the non-Westerners need to do the work too. I have serious gratitude for teachers from the US and the UK who created a fulfilling and rewarding life surrounded by art and the joy of conscious living because they simply dare! They too, started out from nothing, or close to nothing. I am thankful that because these brave souls from the West has dared venture into a road less taken, they have created ripples that move across the globe and touching far away places, and hearts of people who learnt from their ways and who benefited.

Malaysia is slow in terms of catching up with art, yes. But I don’t mind doing the work and become pioneer as a self-taught/mixed media/artist and blogger even if it means a lot of trials and failures. Failure is not what kills me, I feel, but being stagnant is, not attempting is, not pursuing my dream is. It robs the soul of its joys and pleasure! Malaysia’s lack lies in its mindset, but I believe the invincible human spirit makes everything possible!

I am really glad to have connected with Alison through Kelly Rae’s e-course. Strange and funny how a teacher in America brought two Malaysians together. I am really looking forward to connect with more people and build a creative community here back home!

The blogging community of creative souls is a very nourishing space and being here has helped me grow so much in the journey. Perhaps in the near future I’ll be visiting blogger-artists in the US, ringing their doorbells and saying hello after stepping down from long flights. First, I need to paint and sell more for the airplane tickets!I’m crossing my fingers!

Thank Q Alison for the invitation to write a guest post here!

Eva blogs about conscious and artful living at sacredheartist, she would love, love, love to connect with you if you’re passionate about life and art like her too! do visit her blog and leave some love.

[photos by eva san]

1 comment:

  1. Well done, Eva! I'm on my way to visit your blog to see what you've been up to with your art...I'm so glad you've decided to continue to paint...and thrive!


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