Thursday 19 April 2012

season of change

april is a busy month, i am only just catching my breath. remember the wonderful story i shared here? well, yes i went to the orchestra at KLCC MPO and it was simply awesome! i loved it! i didn't get to meet M though, the show finished pretty late at night, he was busy back stage and i had to catch a train home. i sent him a text message. i enjoyed the performance very much! thinking maybe i'll come again for other performances.   inside. i sneaked to take a photo during interim. taken with sister's small camera.

on the crafty side. 3 magic journals are going to new owners soon. because they're infused with magical energy, these journals come with a manual on how to use them. i am happy and grateful for orders from my lovely customers.     making more in the coming days.

my "meditation retreat fund". proceeds from sales of the journals are going to the fund! yay!

big move update: we got an email from immigration nz today. we are still at the first-tier assessment, verification of the documents we sent (i wonder how many tiers are there?). now they are requesting more documents (evidence) on gene's working experiences. employment with job description and details, income tax, salary slips, trainings attended, projects done etc. looks like this really is going to take a while. slow and easy.


  1. Now I know it's not that easy huh...but like you say; maybe it's good this can save up a little more and cherish more things here in Malaysia before you guys finally leave. Iqa handed the beautiful book you made for her to me..she is not into know kids now with gadgets..they don't appreciate writing anymore! It's safe with me..I love it but haven't used it too..I will one day. Your books will sure spread the magic to their owners!

  2. Wow, I love your books! I will get in touch with you to order one.Sounds like a great way to save for your retreat...and because you made them I know they truly will be magical.

    You never know...sometimes the immigration process can be slow at first and then momentum speeds up.

    You'll be wishing for some breathing space then! xx

  3. hliza: yes, i noticed younger generation are more technology inclined. no worries. all is good.

    marion: i am wishing for some breathing space now! haha! things are moving quickly in other areas of live. thanks for your interest in the journal marion. you know i'll be so very happy to make one for you.


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