Thursday 4 April 2013

In our garden

I was all dressed up to walk to the little commercial centre to get some groceries and check out the little town. There's a public library that i am looking forward to visit. But it rained and is still raining. So while waiting for the rain to stop, thought I'll share with you some photos of our little garden.

I do not know the names of the plants here, never mind that, I am enjoying the greens and the birds and busy bees. I found a bird nest in one of the trees. There's also some flower plants that I'm waiting to get my hands on to trim, got to get me some gardening tools and gloves first. Since it's my first time living in a four season country, I'm not sure what to do, it's autumn and going into winter. It's a temperate country and the weather is not extreme like in the northern hemisphere. No snow here in winter (well, at least not in the north island anyways). Hmm... maybe the visit to the library might help.


  1. It looks like you'll be busy finding out all about the plants and wildlife in your new garden. The plants will be going dormant into winter so you'll have plenty of time before you need to do anything.
    Enjoy and have fun! Flighty xx

  2. Yes, indeed. Well i've been reading your blog and i think that helps a bit, if only i can remember which plants to grow in which season. :) xx


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