Friday 31 May 2013

Around here

It's getting cold around here, temperature dropping and we had hail showers few mornings ago. Kiki and I staying indoors and keeping ourselves warm. 
Double rainbow display right in front of our house yesterday.

Kiki is doing well with the cold weather. We notice she shed less fur. Keeping them all to herself to keep warm.

New journals in the shop, this one is soon to be listed. Waiting for a better weather (lighting) to shoot some photos.

It's going to be a long weekend with the Queen's birthday this coming Monday. Hoping the weather will be fair so we'll be able to go out for some adventure.

Happy weekend to you!


  1. As your winter starts so does our summer hopefully. We've just had the coldest spring for 50 years so a good summer would be most welcome.
    It's been a long since I last saw a rainbow let alone a double one like that.
    Enjoy your long weekend. Flighty xx

    1. Hope you'll have a good summer this year to make up for the cold spring. We've been seeing rainbows quite often these days. It's so beautiful that I could sit and stare and not do my work (not so good :)).
      and Thanks, we will. xx


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