Wednesday 1 January 2014

2014 it is

Happy New Year!
Wishing you a wonderful and blessed 2014!
We went to Devonport last night to catch the fireworks over Sky Tower at midnight. Gene took this pretty photo.

What stories will you write this year? What fun things will you be creating? I have some plans and ideas brewing, I'll have to find some quiet time to write them all down in my journal soon. Right now, Gene's parents and niece are still here spending their holidays with us, the reason why the blog is so quiet. Will post some of my favourite photos of our holidays soon. In the mean time, Enjoy the new year!


  1. Terrific picture. Happy New Year. Flighty xx

  2. I luv' that bursting firework photo!!

    Hi there, Ali!!

    So nice to be back blogging and seeing you here, joy, joy! I caught a glimpse of your flowery plants looking velvety glorious a post down. And then of course the glam "Kiki" seems to be living the life, haha!

    It's a gooood comfy feel to read back. 2014 must be the come back year for blogging! I do enjoy the Facebook photos, but I'm looking even more forward to your thoughts.

    Happy New Year! :D.

    1. Hi Roselle, Happy New Year! and welcome back to blogging. I've been lagging in posting in the blog too, lets see if I can keep up this year ;)


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