Friday 19 February 2016

Things that make you smile :) Journaling prompt - week 8

Can you think of all the things that make you smile? I like this prompt as it evokes a happy feeling inside me and some of the thoughts make me all warm and fuzzy, like a baby's laughter, which can be quite infectious (look at all the you tube videos!) funny and cute animal antics, and many more. See how many can you list? 

Kiki, rainbow, samba van (WV van), I don't know why but every time I see a WV van on the road my heart skip a beat, they make me really happy, happy babies, flowers, old couples holding hands, silly photos of me and Gene, horses, happy clouds, bumble bee, singing birds, my kindergarten graduation photo! The list can go on and on. Hope you can carve out some time this weekend and have fun listing them all out :)

If you would like to share your journaling journey with me, leave a comment below or on my facebook page. For instagram, you can find me @mettaville and tag #mettajournaling. See you there.

Fresh from the studio this week.

A new small shibori travel journal, the pattern reminds me of a wing and so I named it so - Wing.

I am working on some new designs at the moment, excited to show them to you soon. 
You're welcome to visit my Etsy store here.

Happy journaling! 

"A good life is a collection of happy moments."
~ Denis Waitley


  1. A nice post. It's good to see that lots of things make you smile. Have a good weekend. Flighty xx

    1. Hi Flighty, thanks, may you have a wonderful week too! xx


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